Murmurings & Results

Murmurings from the Match Room

Saturday 22nd March 2025

Motueka Open Foursomes played in perfect conditions. Foursomes are great fun; there is always banter everywhere. Could be having to chip sideways because your partner put you behind a tree first shot of the day, or you had to buy 6 gins for an air shot unimpaired (club captain).

I'm not going to name all prize and novelty winners - way too many.

After country rovers, men Nathan Haines & Isaac Anderson 181, ladies Sandra Ilton & Shona Johnson 161 and some minor prizes came the WTF moment. Nathan Binns announced rest of the prizes were pick of the table. And there was tons to pick from. Microwaves, Air fryers, water blaster. Kylie shopped up a storm.
Ladies Nett winners Sharon McGeown & Sue Park 145 c/b
Mens Nett winners Abraham Daniels & Bruce Donaldson 133.
All received a Full Playing Club membership courtesy of the Sponsors.

Men Gross Paul Bailey & Hayden Morgan 152, runner up Andy Tasker & Blair Bavin.
Ladies Gross Tania Appelman & Jo Rainbird 184.
Mens Nett runner up James King & Daryl Beveridge 135, 3rd Glen Fitzpatrick & Steve Schwass 143 c/b 4th Bob Ilton & Keith Dowie 143.
Ladies runner up Donna Mitchell & Keriana Scott 145, 3rd Betsy Hills & Di Strong 148, 4th Jenny Van Heerden & Sandy LePine149.

Absolutely awesome day, huge thank you to the sponsors, Matt & Chris (Quaystone), Bruce & Shelley (retired) Pressie Pete &Sue ( retired) Nathan & Kylie (tired). I understand that there is a mystery sponsor (I wonder if they know they sponsored).

Big ups to Kylie for the out rages amount of shopping (work).

People let's make it bigger next year, plenty of room.
Good bye.

Ladies Results

Another Hole in One for Jane!!
Another Hole in One for Jane!!

Latest Ladies Results

. Match play on handicap between 9 and 18 Hole Ladies
The first challenge this year resulted in a resounding victory for the 9 Hole Ladies with a decisive 7 to 3 winning matches against the 18 Hole Ladies. Great effort 9 Holers! There were some big wins as well as some very close ones that went down to the last hole. Over $130 dollars was collected to go to Hospice from todays donations. See you all in September for the second challenge for the year.

Another successfully run tournament with teams from most local clubs although numbers were down a little on previous years. The highlight of the day was a HOLE IN ONE on number 4 by JANE ADAMS ! Well done Jane.
Results for the day were 1st Rhonda and Sandy 47c/b, 2nd Tania and Evelyn 47, 3rd Shirlene and Joyce 44. 4th P Bell and P Dawson (Nelson)43 and 5th M Robertson and S Manning (Greenacres) 42.
There were 3 twos plus Janes 1 . Well done Jane, Fran Rhonda and Sandra I.

9 Hole Ladies Interclub

Tasman & Motueka Teams (2 absent)
Tasman & Motueka Teams (2 absent)

The second Interclub for the year was held at Marlborough Golf Club on a very warm day. Motueka played Tasman. The playing conditions were interesting with dry fairways and rough, the balls rolling further than expected. Players had to have many creative shots. Tasman gained 5 points Motueka 3points

Bowater Hyundai/Isuzu Sponsorship

You will recall that in June 2019 President Peter announced in his Newsletter that if any member of our club purchased a vehicle from Bowater Hyundai/Isuzu, either new or used, the club will benefit by $250.

It's all ticking along very nicely. Thank you to Bowaters, and thank you too to our members who have all purchased vehicles.

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NZ Handicaps

The Motueka Golf Club Constitution (Rev 2023)

This is available as an Adobe PDF file and is downloadable from the link below.

Annual General Meeting Minutes



Motueka Golf Club
Harbour Road

© Motueka Golf Club

Website by WeDoWebsites 2023