Members Newsletter

President Petes' July Newsletter

Its been a quiet month at the club with the winner in the Haig cup found. Well done to Peter Tudberry winning in a close battle over Graeme Shaw.
The Club Champs Qualifying rounds have commenced and we look forward to Grand Final day in October.
We would like to wish Geoff Blois a speedy recovery after his major operation. Look forward to see you back fit and well.
The only incident on the course was Gary the goose taking a golf ball to the chest, seems to be fine.

From The Woodies

Another busy month (Aren't they all!).
We finally actioned an area that has been frustrating our male golfers. (I don't think it impacts our lady golfers as badly!) The observant amongst you will noticed that we have trimmed the trees in front of the No 2 tee. Well not "we" actually it was a much younger and more nimble man who climbed and swung through the trees trimming them. We were just left with the mess to clean up! We have now been accused of not also trimming the Eucalyptus on the right in front of the two trimmed macrocarpa trees. The answer is quite simple, that Eucalyptus is a protected tree and we are not allowed to touch it!
We have also removed a large dead tree on No 3 on the roadside about 100m in front of the ladies tee. So now we have created a nice open gap which a nicely struck slice should fly easily through and settle out of bounds. We also have another Eucalyptus just in front, and to the right, of the men's No 12 tee which had a large protruding branch. Those who draw the ball will be pleased to know that the problematic branch has now been removed.
Finally while on the subject of Eucalyptus we have also lowered a large one that was hiding in plain site amongst the stand of them around the dogleg on the right of No 9 fairway. It had been dead for some time. We are continually surveying our trees for health and safety issues and dead trees always fall into this category.
As mentioned last month, as a result of all this trimming and felling, we have some lovely firewood for sale - stacked away it will be superb next winter. A Great deal for members at $180 for a 2.25sq metres walled trailer generously filled.

Money Matters

As we near the end of the financial year here is a quick update on the financials.
During August and September, the Management Committee will be meeting to plan for the upcoming 12 months. This process involves updating the Strategic Plan (with the help of Barrie Walker) and translating that into day-to-day operations to ensure the club's continued growth and success.
The Club is on track to deliver a better financial result than expected. Overall, the club has managed to perform better than last year given the general economic conditions over the past 9 months. The main contributing factor has been the revenue we are generating from having more visitors on the course - lifting bar revenues and green fee income to levels the Club has not experienced previously. This is consistent with many other clubs in the region and continues the positive trend we have seen over the last few years.
Membership subscriptions have also increased year on year - as at 30 June they totalled $230,000 compared to $215,000 this time last year.
Both of these outcomes are a credit to everyone involved in delivering a fantastic golf and hospitality experience for both members and visitors.
Other than the construction of the cart shed, the refurbishment of the clubroom chairs and the sound system no major capital expenditure purchases have been made so far this year. The club has recently made a grant application for a new surrounds mower. We await the outcome of the grant application before committing to a purchase.
Don't forget, if anyone has questions about the Club's financials, please don't hesitate to get in contact with me (Chris) and we can have a chat.

NZ Womens Senior Foursomes

The New Zealand Women's Senior Handicap Foursomes managed under contract for Golf New Zealand by PARNZ, is being held at our club 18-21 November. The format is foursomes over the four days and is limited to 64 pairs. The field is now full!
Tee off each day is between 8:30 and 10:00 with 2 tee starts. Thursday there are two rounds with finalists playing in the afternoon. The players are also able to have a practice round on the Sunday.
The club will host two evening functions with a Welcome on the Monday evening and Prizegiving and dinner on the Thursday.
This is another opportunity for us to showcase our club and will be a great event with the golfers coming from all over the country for the week.
We will be requiring club volunteers and also the loan of trundlers - at this stage around 45 trundlers will be required. The clubs and trundlers will be stored on site in containers.
We will keep you up to date with information and seek your assistance and support closer to the event.

From Our Ladies

9 Hole Ladies
The Pink Lady tournament (open to all clubs) was held on 27th June. Although it was a fine but chilly day our entry numbers (33 players) were down on previous years for a number of reasons: winter illnesses, travelling away, cost in these tricky times etc. We were able to get all our prizes sponsored and would like to thank Liquorland, Toad Hall, Stirling Sports and the Motueka Golf Club for their generous donations. Bay Pharmacy donated three beautiful product hampers which we raffled separately and along with the 'pickles, preserves and produce' items donated by club members for the raffle we were able to raise $250.00 for the Breast Cancer Research - we thank you all.

18 Hole Ladies
Just a reminder for combined stable-ford tournament 15th August- get own partners & enter.

New Members
We welcome our returning and new members this month: Arlee Driscoll, Andy Drummond, Luke Latham, Aaron Lawrence, Ralph Meikle, Louis Schindler and Jackson Slattery.

Have a good month golfing.
Pete Cederman.



Motueka Golf Club
Harbour Road

© Motueka Golf Club

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