Members Newsletter

President Petes' February 2025 Newsletter

I am sad to announce the news that after many years of selfless service and utmost dedication to the culinary needs of our members, Jenny has terminated her contract. We wish her all the very best in her (well deserved) retirement and her upcoming move to Kaikoura. Jennys' last day will be Saturday 22nd March.

Last year we advised you that we would be adding the surcharge fee to credit card and contactless card payments, as is the practice in most commercial and retail outlets these days, and that we would be exploring introduction of a Loyalty scheme tied to our House Account card. This has not moved as quickly as we anticipated, but we are now in a position to carry out the former. As of 10 March, all credit card and contactless card payments will incur a surcharge of 1.5%. We have a little more work to do on the Loyalty scheme introduction.

All the 2025/26 subscription invoices have now been emailed to members. Remember payment is to be made by 1 April unless you have made arrangements with Rex to pay in instalments. If you have not received an invoice, or know of anyone in a similar situation, please contact Rex at and he will be delighted to send a duplicate.

If you are paying at the Bar this year, you will receive a 2025 Red Bag Tag. Please display these on your bag so that they are clearly visible and it is obvious that you are a financial member. If paying by direct credit, Bag Tags will be made available on competition days and/or at the Bar. As it can take a day, or two, for payments to register in our accounts, and Linda and David will need to verify your payment has been received, so please don't rush in for your BT on the day of payment.

In the same vein as the above, the new legislation for Incorporated Societies requires we maintain an accurate and complete record of all our Members contact details. We hold this information on your file in DotGolf. Please check your details and update if and where required. If you have difficulty in doing this, Rex will be pleased to help.

As was forecast in the Strategic Plan we anticipate purchasing a new greens Roller this financial year. The new equipment will smooth the greens, increase green speed and reduce the moving required. The end result will be better all round for the greens and for you, the members. So far we have trialled three different models from three different suppliers. Needless to say, prices and performance have varied.

The Fairways are still hanging in really well and we are now hopefully through the worst of the deterioration expected. This means we will go into Autumn and Winter in a much better position, which augers well for our Winter playing.

In the next month, our focus will be on replacing crusher dust on many of the paths which are beginning to show the effect of the heavy Summer traffic.

As usual we have been very busy on the course. Unfortunately, we have very little firewood available as felling trees has not been a priority recently.

I'm sure that very few of you will have noticed that we have methodically been removing the surface tree roots that have been invading the Fairways. So far we have been working on No 3, 10, 12, 16, and 18 Fairways. This will reduce damage to the mowers and also remove potential damage to wrists and arms!

What I am sure you will have noticed is that seven of the largest stumps on the course have been removed; On 1, 8, 10, 2 on 12 and 2 on 15. This has improved the visual outlook on the course and also improved safety. (You don't want to be hit by a ricocheting ball!) This is not a cheap exercise and we are very grateful, once again, to the Friday Club, who donated $2000 towards the cost of removing these stumps. A big thank you also to Jon Gammon who managed this project.

The Eucalyptus need tidying again as they continually shed bark. We no sooner clean them up than we get a few windy days and we are back to square one! They certainly are not the Woodies favourite trees on the course! However we are very pleased with the way last years native planting are growing - the regular rain this Summer has certainly helped them!

As I write this, we have removed seven wasps nests from the course over the last seven days. At this time of the year Wasps become Protein feeders which is why you will see them around BBQ's etc. They also become more aggressive. If you spot a nest on the course, please don't approach it, just note its location and let either the Greenkeepers or Woodies know and we will deal to it.

It would be fair to say that The Anchorage Wines Open on 22nd February was well supported with 84 in the field. Ninety-six bottles of wine were handed out thanks to the generosity of Chris Drummond and the team at Anchorage Wines.

March's calendar is once again full with District Opens, starting with the left handers tourney at Mot on Sat 1st, and our own Motueka Foursomes Open (previously known as the QCBKN Foursomes) on March 22nd. You can enter on-line or on the sign-up sheet in the clubhouse.

And don't forget to check out the back of the 2025 Handbook - it has a list of all the Mixed and Open competition dates and venues, including District Opens, Old Hickory and Vets, so you can plan ahead.

The first round of Westrupp cup was played Sunday 23rd at Greenacres. Motueka had good win v Totaradale 14 points of 18.

Competition golf has started for the season for the nine hole ladies section. The first interclub competition took place on 17th February - handicaps were evenly spread across the teams and the results reflected that. Nelson managed to win three of their matches against Totaradale, Motueka versus Greenacres, two matches each and Marlborough versus Tasman, two matches each. The good news is that Waahi Taakaroa now have an established nine hole women's section and we are hoping they will join in the interclub competitions and come to tournaments during the season.

We welcome the following new members to our Club.
Zac Adamson, Bruce Harper, Charlie Hegan, Alius Howes, Peter Metcalfe, Liam Price and Reuben Sturgeon

Happy golfing.
Pete Cederman.



Motueka Golf Club
Harbour Road

© Motueka Golf Club

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